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Bayda Oy, Eagle Flying


Quartet Bayda was established in 2005 at the St.Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church  in North Royalton, OH. Beauty of the Ukrainian songs and appreciation for the culture helped form the current quartet.
Lubomyr Yakymivtenor
Myhailo Katrychtenor
Ihor Hnydabaritone
Petro Stoykivbass
Volodymyr Andrysyshyn – button accordion
The name for the quartet was not chosen accidentally – Bayda is the name of the Ukrainian political and military figure, legendary kozak otaman. He served as one of the first Ukrainian hetmans (1552-1563).  Dmytro Bayda Vyshnevetsky built the fortress on the the island Mala Hortytsia which later served as a foundation for the Zaporizhska Sich. He became a legend in the folklore tails as a spirit of Kozak Bayda. He did not betray his motherland and and chose to die from a sword of Turkish sultan. The main credo of the quartet Bayda is: Song, Faith, Ukraine!

Bayda Oy, Eagle Flying

1. Молитва Molytva (2:50)
2. Байда/Ой у цар граді п’є Байда Bajda (2:59)
3. Встає хмара Vstaye khmara (2:27)
4. За байраком байрак Za bayrakom bayrak (3:43)
5. Берестечко Berestechko (4:13)
6. По діброві вітер виє Po dibrovi viter viye (3:10)
7. Ой літа орел Oy lita orel (2:26)
8. Ой у полі верба Oy u poli verba (2:23)
9. Ой у полі три криниченьки Oj u poli try krynychenky (2:58)
10. Шабелина/Ой хмариться… Shabelyna (2:31)
11. Мої ясени Moyi yaseny (2:49)
12. Розпрягайте хлопці коні Rozpryahayte xlopci koni (3:08)
13. Наливаймо браття Nalyvajmo brattya (1:53)


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